ASTRID came to life because we wanted to do something more for the community. We love young people and we enjoy learning from them, so an NGO that could help us share with them our knowledge, time, and energy was exactly what we wanted.
We are Bogdan and Ioana, and with us there are a few of our friends and loved ones who help whenever needed. The two of us have been friends for a few good years now, and at some point, we’ve figured we have common values and wishes when it comes to what we want to do with our lives. That is how ASTRID came to life and, since we started this journey, we’ve been investing here energy, resources, and ideas.
Our mission is to transform the rural space into a more inclusive one, optimal for the personal and professional development of young people. In our vision, the young people’s social inclusion and development can be achieved through formal and non-formal education, as well as through various exchanges
Bogdan Rusu has almost 10 years experience as a project manager in public administration and has studied community development and strategic planning.
”I believe young people in rural areas have too little to say in the community life, whose development can be decisevely boosted by young people, if they find enough reasons to spend their time right there, in their villages.
Over the years, I have been involved in several projects that targeted young people, but mainly they were focusing more on the implementation teams than on the actual youth.
This is why I decided to get involved directly and to do things as I believe they should be done: with transparency, good faith, and respect.
This is how ASTRID came to life for me.”
Ioana Filipaș has been involved in youthwork for over 15 years, as a trainer, facilitator, workshop teacher at Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania), volunteer coordinator, and project manager. She organized and coordinated several youth projects and mobilities and a national, european, and international level.
Her main interests are social inclusion, non-formal education, education methods and instruments focused on visual communication, active participation of young people, disability work, awareness on diversity and stereotypes, European citizenship.